Thursday 2 May 2013

A year in the Hautes Pyrénées

We arrived here on the 2nd of May 2012, so we have been here a whole year now!
I was going to write a post about what we have achieved, the ups and downs of our first year here, but unfortunately the cows decided to walkabout. We spend many hours searching for them and finally found them quite some way away, but heading back in the direction of home. Having rounded them up we had to finish off the fencing effort on the bottom field as they have now escaped from all the other fields in search of more grass. Finishing the field was actually our plan for the afternoon, but the cow hunt significantly delayed things and we didn't finally get finished until 9pm. We are both so tired we can hardly stand up. Hopefully they will find it to their liking and condescend to stay there!

I will write a review of the year in another post when we have recovered. In the mean time I will just say that the thing we miss most about the UK is our family and friends. We love you! We miss you! Come and visit if you can!

1 comment:

  1. you have achieved the most enormous amount in just a year!! Fantastic!
