Work in progress…
Just a tiny bit of squaring off the edges and a bit of a hoover to clean up the mess, and job done!
Work in progress…
Just a tiny bit of squaring off the edges and a bit of a hoover to clean up the mess, and job done!
The front opening is the biggest and the most stressful - because of already having been mangled about and huge amounts of super hard concrete in there, but there are two others being done at the same time…
One here in the end wall from what will be kitchen/dining in to the outdoor kitchen
The supports are in for both of these now too. Just waiting for the lime to dry a bit before hacking them out too…
Graham the builder seems very confident, but I am a nervous wreck! I don’t want my house collapsed and I don’t want Doug to be squished (in reverse order of priority of course…)
That beam you can see on the left is just supported by 3 acrow props. It holds not only the floor upstairs up but also the A frame supporting the roof. Glup!A builder is starting work next week (working with Doug) to add a new door and window and enlarge an existing door. We have been in a frenzy of preparation for what feels like years now.
Taking some floor boards up because we need access here to support the wall while we widen the door below.Wandering around a really steep field well after sunset chasing the neighbors cows out of one of our fields. AGAIN. It wouldn’t be so bad, but it is still hot given the heatwave and this field has pretty much the only grass left for the cows, the rest has shriveled up in the heatwave.
Pretty though…