Sunday 26 November 2017

Yet more hay

We have something like 250 small bales of hay. This is not quite enough to feed the horses, sheep and rabbits all winter and the cows half the winter so we will get something like 50 more. The reason the cows only need to eat the small bales half the winter is that one of the local farmers puts a bale in to their field every other week. We are worried he is not going to this winter because his house is for sale and he hasn't turned up with the first bale yet. NIGHTMARE.

The sheep are really picky about what hay they will eat. They will eat the second cutting which is sweeter but not the first one until they are pretty much starving. They would rather starve than eat hay off the ground or that has been rained on - which means quite a bit gets wasted. We are hoping to get a feeder for them with a roof that will reduce waste somewhat otherwise when it is raining they have to have many many small haynets full. They are very annoying and stupid!

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