Sunday 6 December 2015


The chickens hve been on strike for some time. We were down to only a few after the fox got some, then we bought 5 more about a month ago. We got one egg from the new ones, then nothing until now.
Today 3 of the new ones and one of the remaining Marrans laid eggs. The quail have slowed right down as they don't lay over the winter, but the current warm weather seems to have encourage a few out of them.
I wouldn't expect the same number tomorrow as when they start, they often get going slowly but hopefully we will start getting some at least - and the fox will leave them alone for a while.

The new chickens are two Warrens (ginger and very friendly) and three limousine (grey). We have also been given a cockeral which is a Warren so we are debating over whether to keep him and eat the Marrans one we have, as the Warrens are so nice and friendly. We are going to give the Warren a trail run in the flock this week (the existing cockeral will have to go in a cage otherwise they will fight).

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