Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Royal Opera - Il Barbiere di Siviglia

We went to see Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville) by Rossini. This was kind of the purpose of Doug's visit to London, or certainly why he came this weekend. 
It is a very silly story and had been styled to highlight that! The set was very clever though. Lovely lovely music and overall a very enjoyable experience.
The lady beside Doug kept texting on her phone until he sorted her out with an evil glare. The people behind kept trying to chat. They obviously hadn't had the intensive training I received from my dad as a child in appropriate behaviour during concerts that has left me unable to move a muscle!

I tragically had to buy a new pair of shoes as I forgot to bring from work a suitable pair and Doug refused to be seen with someone in a red dress and green shoes. Hurrah!

Probably most people don't associate curry and opera, but we almost always go to the Masala Zone before or after. We didn't want to break with tradition. Curry is one of the things we really miss in France, the French don't bother with it. I make it at home sometimes but, although nice, it is just not the same. The decor isn't traditional flock wallpaper, but the food is pretty nice.

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