Saturday 2 August 2014

What is eating our potatoes??

Initially I blamed the moles as there are a lot of mole tunnels that I find when weeding. However when I was reading up on how to get rid of moles I discovered that they are carnivores and don't eat veg. They eat mainly earth worms and also various insects and slugs. The cat does catch a mole from time to time. 
So who to blame now? It seems that other rodents such as voles will use mole tunnels to reach veg so perhaps it is them. Something has also eaten ALL the garlic which is more annoying as with the potatoes there are still a lot uneaten. Not sure if it is the same thing eating both. Whatever ate the garlic doesn't like shallots which were in the same bed and have now been safely harvested.
This year at least we have managed to keep the slugs and snails more under control (with pellets). 

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