Monday 7 April 2014

Oat and Golden Syrup Cookie Recipe

Makes about 15

100g sugar
100g butter
1 tbsp golden syrup
90g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
75g porridge oats
Pinch of salt
Raisins or chocolate chips or whatever

Cream butter and sugar
Add golden syrup, stir gently
Add oats, stir gently
Add raisins/choc chips, stir
Add flour stir

Use a desert spoon to put blobs in a buttered baking tray. 
Cook for 15 mins or until pale brown at 180C
The blobs will spread right out to quite a thin cookie with the heat.
When they are done, hey will still feel soft but will harden as they cool. 
You can cook hotter and longer and they will come out crispier.

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