Monday 10 June 2013

Poor Poppy is at the vet

The horses have been in the barn for 36 hours having been wormed (you don't want the poisoned poo all over the field where the dog and other animals can eat it)
We took them back to the field this morning where they got a bit frisky. Poppy got quite over excited playing with them and one of them kicked her.
She was just out of sight when it happened and afterwards (after making some heart rending yelps the like of which we had never heard before) she disappeared off the face of the earth. We spent the next two (rather traumatic) hours searching for her. Under all the trees and bushes and increasingly further afield. There was neither sight nor sound of her. Just as I was about to give up and retire inside (to cry) she appeared, coming up the path towards me. I could see she had a cut on her face, but that she was trotting along fine.
On closer inspection she also had a nasty deep hole/cut in the back of her head. We bundled her in the car and took her to the vet. He has knocked her out and is going to stitch the cut on the back of her head. He said the one on her nose can't be stitched as the stitches would pull out through the skin and make it worse but he is going to do what he can to keep her prettyness intact. Of course we will just be happy if she comes out of the whole thing OK! Fingers crossed.
We can pick her up at 6.30. Perhaps this will teach her that 'playing' with the horses is not the best thing to do!
Before the accident

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